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Version: 7.2

Using the camera and/or scanner

Taking photos with the camera

The application can open the phone's camera to take a photo. Opening the camera and obtaining photo data are managed via a slice.

For each use of the camera, a key must be defined to target the sending of photo data and avoid conflicts. This key must be unique and ideally describe the use (e.g. 'expense-line_justication_picture').

To open the camera, simply use the enableCamera reducer with the key. Similarly, to retrieve information from the photo, use the camera selector with the same key. By setting up a useEffect, you can then initiate an action as soon as a photo is taken. Taking a photo automatically closes the camera. Once the action has been initiated, remember to clean the camera state with clearPhoto to avoid refresh problems.

// Data recovery
const cameraPicture = useCameraValueByKey(cameraKey);

// Recovered photo format
interface CameraPhoto {
name: string; // default name: `camera.${pictureExtension}`.
pictureExtention: string; // to facilitate file naming
dateTime: string; // to facilitate file naming
type: string; // necessary for photo upload
size: number; // required for photo upload (in bytes)
base64: string; // file in base64 format
fullBase64: string; // base64 with header to define document type

// Camera activation
const handleCameraPress = useCallback(() => {
}, [cameraKey, dispatch]);

// Data processing
useEffect(() => {
if (cameraPicture) {
}, [cameraPicture, dispatch, handlePhoto]);

There are already two components that use the camera:

  • UploadFileInput: allows the user to select an image from the phone's storage or to take a photo. This photo can then be transformed into a MetaFile or remain in base64 format.
  • CameraPhoto: offers the possibility of opening the camera at the click of a button, then taking a photo. This photo can be returned as a MetaFile or in base64 format, depending on the component's configuration.

Recovering information from a scan

There are two types of scan: with the phone's camera or with a Zebra device. Both scans are managed through two slices based on the same principle.

// Retrieve data from Zebra scanner
const {isEnabled, scanKey} = useScannerSelector();
const scannedValue = useScannedValueByKey(scanKeySearch);

// Retrieve scanner camera data
const scanData = useCameraScannerValueByKey(scanKeySearch);

// Scan activation
const {enable: onScanPress} = useScanActivator(scanKeySearch); // Enable Zebra or Camera depending on device
const {enable: enableScanner} = useScannerDeviceActivator(scanKeySearch); // Enable Zebra only

// Data processing
useEffect(() => {
if (scannedValue) {
} else if (scanData?.value != null) {
}, [scanData, scannedValue, handleScan]);

There are already several components that use scanning, such as ScannerAutocompleteSearch.